Prominent Islamic seminary Darul Uloom Deoband in Uttar Pradesh’s Saharanpur has expelled four students for either totally shaving or trimming their beards.
The institute also pasted a notice at the reception Monday warning the students of immediate expulsion if they experimented with their beards. It said that freshers with no beard would not even be considered for admission.
“In Islam, men are asked to keep their beard to one fist length. It is unlawful to cut it below one fist and shaving it is haram (prohibited) and a major sin,” said Maulana Hussain Ahmed, the head of the Education department in Darul Uloom, on whose behalf the notice was issued.
The notice mentioned that the institute expelled the four students two weeks ago for not following Islamic norms regarding beard and that it would not be lenient with any student who attempts to violate the norms.

The ousted students submitted a written apology to the governing body and vowed not to repeat the act in future but the institute rejected their submission and is now unlikely to allow them to appear in the forthcoming yearly exams.
Justifying the expulsion of four students, Maulana Mufti Asad Kasmi of Jamia Shaikhul Hind in Deoband town said strict measures should be taken so that no cane dare to defy the Sunnah (the way of the Prophet).
“The Sunnah provides guidelines for the social appearance of men and women, besides other important instructions about life. All those belonging to the community should follow the way our Prophet taught us and followed in his life,” he said.
Source: Indian Express