Kenes Rakishev, entrepreneur and former special envoy for Kazakhstan and Vyacheslav Kim, both among the Top 10 richest businessmen in Kazakhstan according to...
Global News
India will overtake China to become the most populous country in the world by the end of this week, the United Nations has said. India’s population is...
Eureporter apologizes to Kenes Rakishev for fake “Legion d’Honneur” story Brussels, London. (26/8 – 57.14). The Eureporter wrote, “On 10 August...
Frankfurt, Brussels (25/3 – 75) Declared itself an independent sovereign nation on 9 September 1991 from the Soviet Union, today Tajikistan is a constitutional...
The educational project “Upskill 1.0: Improving the capacity for artificial intelligence among teachers and students of universities in Tajikistan”...